Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Edit Masks

Property Edit Masks

Every Nodetype in EVA Netmodeler may have an instance edit mask associated with it. The instance edit mask allows the user to specify a standard instance name format to be generated automatically whenever a new instance is created.  

For example, an instance edit mask with a value of : "~Date~ ~USER~ Type project name here" will cause EVA Netmodeler to pre-populate the item name field of the instance creation screen for that type with: "2005-12-31 CURRENTUSER Type project name here".  

Depending, of course, on the actual date and user creating the item. This feature facilitates and standardizes the capturing of items by prompting the user with the expected item name format.  

Edit masks use keywords which should be enclosed in tilde (i.e. "~") characters. Keywords are case insensitive.

To change the edit mask for a particular type, navigate to the type maintenance browser, then select the desired type from the drop down box.  

When the type definition is displayed, click on the "edit" button. The type edit screen will appear on the right of the browser window. The "Instance Edit Mask" input field is third from the top.  

The table below summarizes keywords currently available for this feature.  

Returns the current date in the CCYY-MM-DD format.
Returns the current time in the HH:MM:SS format
Returns the current timestamp in the CCYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.000000 format.
Returns the currents user's userid
Returns the current year in the CCYY format.
Returns the current month number
Returns the current month number padded to two numerals (e.g. "01", "06", "12"). This is useful when instance names are sorted to ensure that Jun "06" appears before December "12".
Returns the name of the current month in English.
Returns the first three characters of the name of the current month in English.
Returns the number of the current day of the month
Returns the number of the current day of the month padded to two numerals
Returns the name of the current day of the week in English
Returns the first three characters of the current day of the week
Returns the numeric value of the current hour
Returns the numeric value of the current hour padded to two numerals
Returns the numeric value of the current minute
Returns the numeric value of the current minute padded to two numerals
Returns the numeric value of the current second
Returns the numeric value of the current second padded to two numerals
Returns the value of the system setting indicated by "SettingName"

Data Type: Decimal Edit Masks

For Archie2Decimal attributes type, the user can now specify a simple display mask in the traditional "Unit of Measure" field which will provide some form of control over how numbers are displayed in EVA Netmodeler.  

See illustration below for an overview of the effect of different display masks on the number: "123.456".