Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Generic Item Display & Edit (GIDE) Browser

The GIDE Browser is a generic interface for viewing,  capturing, editing and linking content in the repository. It presents  the user with the source

item, target item and info node data in a single screen with the ability to  toggle between these viewing options. This allows  the user to define the

amount of visible data to be viewed at a given  time and also makes good use of available screen space.

This section will cover the following topics:


GIDE Panes

GIDE is available as the right hand two panes of the  Item Tree Browser; as a drill down on items from other browsers  (normally by selecting the

item's (=) button or the link for the item);  as a drill down from the report browser  and generated web pages, and as a stand alone  interface in

anonymous mode or when using the (+) button to add an item  to the repository without losing currency (focus of type/item/browser).  Finally,

GIDE is integrated with the  Graphical Modeler as the right hand pane, where item details can be displayed, edited linked etc.

The GIDE browser has three viewing settings: the  source pane, the target pane and both panes. These may be selected using the "book" icons.

The selected option is shown highlighted in yellow. The left one selects viewing the source item only, the right the target item only and the centre

one both items side by side.

Source Pane

The source pane consists of the properties of a given item and its relationships to other items.


Above the property data is a button strip, which provides various functions the user can perform  with the focus item. Note that only those

functions which the user has  the rights to perform on the selected type of item will be displayed.

Allows the user to edit the properties of the item
Performs a logical delete of the item in the repository
Resets the item's properties to default values. The defaults are displayed, allowing user to select which properties
        to reset
Creates a duplicate instance of the currently selected item (including properties and relationships) but with a new name
Launches the documentor browser.  This provides details of the focus item's properties and similar  information for
         all items directly related to the current item
Allows the user to edit the meta data definition of the currently selected type
Launches a table view of all the target items of the currently selected item in the right hand pane
Creates a version of the currently  selected item. This is effectively a clone, with a date and time stamp
         appended to the name of the older version and a earlier|later  relationship between the versions

When the mouse pointer hovers next to a target type header, the following buttons are displayed:

ButtonTable Allows the user to view related items in a table.

Creates and links a new item of the target type to the currently selected item

Links an existing item of the target type to the currently selected item

Links an existing item of the  target type, matching criteria specified by the user in the selection dialogue, to the currently selected item






When the mouse pointer hovers next to a specific target item, the following buttons are displayed:

Displays the target item's properties in the target pane.

Performs a logical delete of the link between the focus item and the target item.

Target Pane

The target pane shows a number of different screens depending on what has been selected.

When the property button (=) of  an item is pressed in the source pane, all the property and related item details as well  as any info node details,

if any, are  displayed in the target pane. If this is the case, the top section of  the pane displays  the info node details and the bottom

section displays the details of the selected item. If there are no info  nodes then only the details of the selected item is displayed.


The info node section has a set of buttons:

Allows the user to edit the properties of the item

Resets the properties of the item to default values.

Changes focus to the selected item, making it the item displayed in the source (left) pane

Allows the user to edit the meta data definition of the currently selected type

As with the info node, the  related item also has a set of buttons. These are basically the same as  the source node buttons minus the doc and

the buttons.


Both Panes

When both panes are selected, the source pane and the target pane are displayed together as shown below.


GIDE Buttons

Some of the buttons launch new screens in the browser.

The edit button will launch a new screen within the currently selected workspace (the edit screen will be displayed in the  pane from where it is

launched). The user is able to edit the existing item properties.


When the del button is  pressed, a confirmation box is displayed. On confirmation of the  deletion, a logical deletion of the item is performed.

The reset button will launch  the reset screen in the currently selected workspace. The user is able  to select which properties to reset to their

default values by checking  the relevant check boxes.



The clone button makes a copy of the currently selected item.



The doc button lauches the  Documentor browser where all the properties of the current item and  related item details are  displayed.

This allows the user to  select a type and an instance of that type and be able to generate the  display.



The edit type button launches the Type browser with the currently selected type.



The table button displays all related items as a table view in the target pane. From within the Table view in the Target Pane, the CSV button

reproduces the table details  in a comma separated variable (CSV) format text file suitable for import into a spreadsheet.



The ver button creates and  stores a version of the currently selected item. The older version will  have the same name  with a date and time

stamp appended. The versions will be linked with an earlier|later relationship. Initially their contents are identical, but the later version can

subsequently be modified.


Working with Relationships between the Source Item and Target Items

To link an item to the current item:

  • Ensure the source item is focussed in the left hand pane
  • Identify the kind of relationship and the kind of target item you want to link
  • Move the mouse cursor over the appropriate line in the relationships area of the source pane
  • Use the
    • NEW button to create a new target item of the designated type and link it to the current item using the chosen relationship
    • ADD button to show a list of available items of the chosen type and link one or more of them to the  source item using the chosen relationship
    • ADD WITH FILTER button to specify a filter/match condition to assist with selection of items to link to the current item

To unlink an item from the current item:

  • Select the DEL button next to the appropriate relationship and target item


Linking using NEW

If you use the new button next to a relationship name and there is only one kind of allowed  target type, then you will  immediately get a capture

screen for the relevant type to capture the properties for the new item. If there  are multiple  target types for this relationship  type, then you will

be prompted to select a legal type, then presented  with the capture screen.

If you use the NEW button next to a target type within a relationship name, you will immediately be presented with a  capture screen for an item

of the designated target type.


Linking using ADD

If you use the add button next to a relationship name, you will be presented with a list  of all items of all legal target types  for that relationship.

This may be a very long list. Use check boxes in the presented list and then submit  to link one or more items.

If you use the add button next to a target type within a relationship name, you will be  presented with a list of all items of  the selected target type

only. Use  check boxes in the presented list and then submit to link one or more  items.


Linking using ADD WITH FILTER

If the list of target items using the add button would be too long, you can filter the list to show only more appropriate items by using this button.

If you use the add w. filter button next to a relationship name, you will be presented with a list of the legal target types  and the opportunity to

enter a filter condition per type.

If you use the add w. filter button next to a target type within a relationship name, you will be presented with a dialogue  to enter a filter condition

for the selected type only.

Once  you have entered your match string in the filter condition box,  submitting will display a list of the target items  matching your filter

conditions. The provided string will be found anywhere in the item names and in any  case. Use the check boxes and submit to link the selected

items using  the chosen relationship.
