Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Multiple Repositories and Delta Change Sets

EVA Netmodeler provides special features to help you work in distributed environments where multiple users, and possibly sites, or copies of EVA Netmodeler and associated repositories, will collaborate. Some scenarios which you might want to support include:

  • Providing another site with content which you have updated recently
  • Synchronising copies of a repository which have diverged
    e.g. I take a copy of a repository for a project where it is used to capture results from modeling and analysis workshops. I subseqeuntly want to merge the changes made to that repository with the original repository (which has continued to evolve in the meantime).
  • I have been on leave or travelling and want to identify what has changed of interest to me since I last worked with the tool

These kinds of scenarios are supported by the Delta Browser and the ability of EVA Netmodeler to track changes made in the repository. Most types defined will have an UpdatedBy and UpdatedOn or similar properties. These will be updated by EVA Netmodeler whenever an item is created or modified. Using this information, the Delta Browser can present details of what has changed during a designated period, for selected (or all) types and for selected (or all) users. Once the identities of the modified items are displayed, the user can choose to view details of the items, or to select or deselect the items for export. An XML export file can be generated with the changed data. Importing this into another repository will effectively update that repository with the information.

The Delta Browser can also be used to show you all instances of a selected type and allow you to select particular items that you want to export when you do not want the full set of instances.