Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Calculated Property/Field Check Tool

When calculated properties/fields are defined on items in the repository, it is sometimes useful to know that these are all working correctly before exporting content, shipping a package, or an entire repository copy or software release. It would be laborious to go and find all calculated property items and either retrieve them or report on them to check. This tool allows a developer or administrator to evaluate the calculated properties for selected types or all types where they occur to validate results.


Simply launch the tool from the main EVA Netmodeler menu, then select either ALL or the type for which you wish calculated properties to be checked. NOTE: On a large repository, selecting ALL can be a lengthy operation!

The (=) detail properties button allows you to get more information where you spot problems. If authorised, the GIDE interface presented will also allow you to fix the calculations. 

Remember that most items will inherit their calculations from the Default item for the type. If all items for a type show an error, it probably needs to be corrected on the Default item.