Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Produce Meta Report

EVA Netmodeler allows you to easily report on or share your meta model or meta model fragments via production of Meta Model Reports. These are produced in a similar format to the view you will find in the type browser, where meta models are captured and maintained. The report can be done for the whole repository or a selected domain. You can choose to include or exclude:

  • Type Documentation
  • Property (Attribute) definitions
  • Relationship definitions

Where a type is used as an Info Node, the relationships where this is the case will also be listed.

Note that meta reports, as well as being displayed to the user, are written to a directory on the server with a name including a date and time stamp. This allows comparing meta data at different points in time. See the Compare Meta Report tool.

If you prefer a visual model of the types and their relationships, you can define a Meta Model instance to reflect the domain and types you want to include, then export the meta model information to Visio for rendering using the Visio Integration features.
