Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Edit Spec Feature Configuration

The Edit Specification feature allows users to build custom edit or create screens for a specific type.

This section describes how to configure EVA Netmodeler to support Edit Specifications. Details of how to use this feature are provided in the Edit Specification section.

The Edit Spec feature requires two basic type definitions.

The properties required for these types are described at the end of this section.


Archi Edit Specification

Every instance of this type defines one screen, it has to specify a valid Type which the screen relates to and whether it is an "EDIT" or "CREATE" screen.



Archi Edit Spec Rels

Each instance of the "Archi Edit Spec Rels" type defines one row in the final screen that will be built.



Edit Spec Properties

The properties of these instances are used to generate the final edit or create screen as shown in the table below:

Property Name
Legal Values
Edit Spec RelType
When this value is "ATTRIBUTE", the edit spec generator will generate HTML for an attribute name derived from "Edit Spec Target Type" for the type to be edited or created.
Reltype name
For any other value, the edit spec generator will generate HTML for a reltype/targettype link specified by this property and "Edit Spec Target Type"
Edit Spec Target Type
This will result in a row containing an input field which will allow the editing of the instance description
Property Name
Provided the previous property had a value of "ATTRIBUTE", this property designates the attribute to use
Target Type Name
Provided the previous property designated a reltype, this property will designate the target type to use
Edit Spec Widget Type
For property rows, i.e. "Edit Spec RelType" = "ATTRIBUTE". Since datatypes have their own widgets which cannot be overridden.
Will generate a dropdown list containing all instances of the RelType/TargetNodeType defined earlier
Will generate a listbox containing all instances of the  RelType/TargetNodeType defined earlier
Will generate a checkbox for every instance of the RelType/TargetNodeType defined earlier
Will generate a radio button for every instance of the  RelType/TargetNodeType defined earlier
Will generate a hidden field for every instance of the RelType/TargetNodeType defined earlier.
Edit Spec List Type
Will include all target items in the list
Any other value
Will include only currently linked target items PLUS target items of the same type linked to the currently linked target items.
This is useful when trying to achieve a "workflow" feel, where the user can only change to the current status or all statuses linked to the current status as "next statuses"
Edit Spec Required
If YES, the edit spec generator will generate javascript that will require the user to enter values/select items for this row
Edit Spec Prompt
If left blank, the edit spec generator will use the default attribute descriptions orreltype/targettype descriptions as prompts.
Any other value
Will override default prompts with the value specified
Edit Spec Order
Not currently used
Edit spec Left Attributes
Any value or BLANK
Will insert this value in the HTML for the left (Prompt) columns in the screen.
Edit Spec Right Attributes
Any value of BLANK
Will insert this value in the HTML for the right (Input) columns in the screen

The screen is generated in the order (alphabetic) of the "Edit Spec Rels" instance descriptions.
