Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Turning the console on /off

EVA Netmodeler has a system console that displays the system startup progress, and can be used to edit the contents of the ARCHI.INI the application configuration file. Refer to the Database Configuration section for an example of when this is used.

The console is switched on or off using the "HEAD" command line parameter when starting the EVA Netmodeler server application. To change this parameter, locate and view the properties of the Windows shortcut that is used to launch EVA Netmodeler. This should be on the desktop and on the EVA Netmodeler sub-menu of the Windows Start menu.

From the Shortcut Properties dialogue box, select Find Target.


This will open a windows explorer window similar tot he one below and highlight the application launch batch file. Right click on teh batch file name and select Edit from the windows context menu.


This will opend the barch file for editing in your default system editor. In this example I have used the Windows Notepad.

To configure EVA Netmodeler to run with the console on, ensure that the word "HEAD" (without the inverted commas) is at the end of the line indicated below.

To run EVA Netmodeler without a console up, remove the word "HEAD" from the end of the line indicated below.

Save the file after making the desired changes and restart the EVA Netmodeler server application.


By default EVA Netmodeler will run with the console on, or "head up" mode.