Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Item Maintenance Browser


This browser is where you work with items, their attributes and relationships fairly directly. You begin by selecting the type you wish to work with, then the specific item. Its properties and relationships will be displayed. You can then edit that item, query any related item, view relationship details, add new relationships, create new relationships to new items, clone items, delete items or relationships or jump to the graphical browser with the currently selected item focussed. You can also refocus this browser by following links to any related items. In this way you can "walk through" the concept space.

The following is a representation of the Item Maintenance Browser that can be found in EVA Netmodeler. Hotspots will take you to specific help for selected features.


EVA Netmodeler Navigation Bar

The general EVA Netmodeler navbar appears on almost all pages. See further help for the Navbar

Select Item Frame (top left)

In this frame you select the type of item you want to work with. This will cause the frame to refresh and present a list of items of the selected type. You can then select the specific item which you want to view, or alternatively select the new button, which will present a form for capture of the new item in the Item Properties Frame.

When you select items from the drop down list, all other frames will adjust to show the selected item details. The Item Attributes Frame will show the properties and their values for the item selected, the Relationships Frame will show any relationships to other items in the knowledge base.

Relationships Frame (bottom left)

Details of all relationships for the selected item will appear in this frame. The display indicates the relationship type, followed by a list of related item types and names. Hovering the cursor over the icons or buttons will provide further information.


Clicking on the link of the related item name will cause  the related item to become the focus of the entire browser, as though you had selected it in the Select Item Frame (top left) - this frame, and all other frames will adjust accordingly. Basically, you are navigating via a relationship from the first item selected to a related item via the relationships held in the knowledge base. You can use this facility to navigate the knowledge base (space) via any defined relationships as many levels as you wish.


Clicking on the view properties button, shown above with an equal sign, will cause the linked item's details to appear to the right in the Related Item Frame. If the relationship has an info node, its properties will appear in the Relationship Properties Frame, centre right. 

The add existing target node button, labelled "add" in the screen capture above, will allow you to add new relationships (of the type where you select the button) from the selected item to existing items which can legally participate in this type of relationship. Clicking the button will cause EVA Netmodeler to display items which can legally be linked in the Related Item Frame, with check boxes next to them. Select those items you wish to link via this relationship type and click submit. EVA Netmodeler will form the required relationships and update the Relationships Frame.

The create new target node button, labelled "new" in the screen shot above, will allow you to relate a newly created item to the currently selected item. Clicking the button will cause EVA Netmodeler to check how many types of items can be related using the relationship type you have selected. If just one, then EVA Netmodeler will immediately prompt you for the identity and properties of a new item of this type in the Related Item Properties frame to the right. Provide these and submit the form to add the item and link it to the current item. If multiple item types could be linked, EVA Netmodeler will first provide a list of available legal types. When you select the desired type, it will then present the form for capture of the new item. It will be linked as before. 

The add with filter button labelled "add filter" in the screen shot above, allows linking items that meet filter conditions. Clicking this will show a list of possible link types and provide boxes to enter a filter value. For those types which you select via check box and items matching the filter value (anywhere in the item name), a list of items will be generated to allow you to select and link them in the normal way.

Item Properties Frame (top right)

Properties and values for the selected item are displayed in tabular form. Simple properties will simply show their value. More complex properties may display buttons, or links or combinations of these. The actions of these are detailed below. Discussion properties will display as a text box or text editing box when in edit mode. 


    Type Icon: If the designer of the type has provided help to describe its structure, intent or other information, a hyperlink will be active on the icon representing the type of this item. Clicking it will take you to a pop up help page. In any case, the pop up page will display at least the meta data definition of the type, showing you what priperties and relationships an item of this type may have.

    Archi2HotLink Properties will display a link to the relevant content.

    Archi2Document Properties will display a link to the relevant content.

    Archi2Template Properties will display a link to the cloned document associated with the selected item, derived from the template when the item was created. This will load the latest version, by default. Buttons next to the link will allow viewing of versions of the document, or uploading a new version after it has been edited locally. To edit an item locally, you should download it to the browser workstation and edit it in the applicable application. To download, right click the link and use your browser's feature to save the item.

    Archi2Content Properties will behave as for Archi2HotLinks in this browser.

    Archi2DiscussionThread Properties will allow the creation of a new threaded discussion or viewing and responding to an existing discussion. clicking the link will open the Threaded Discussion Browser.

    Archi2Lookup properties will display a pop up list of valid choices.

    Archi2Calc properties will display the result of the calcualted property in display mode. If you have authority to edit calculations for this item, in edit mode the calculation definition will be shown for editing.

    Archi2Color properties will display the colour name, with the background of the cell in the named colour.

    Archi2Font properties will display the selected font name, in the font itself.

    Archi2HelpHotlink properties will display a help icon, which, when clicked will load the help page for the item.

    Archi2LastUpdate properties will display the last date upon which the item was edited (or date created).

    Archi2TouchedBy properties will display the name of the last editor.

    Archi2UpdateBy properties will display the name of the legal editor of the item. In edit mode, the legal editor will be able to designate a new editor, if required.

    ArchiPicture properties display the image in display mode and the link to retrieve the image in edit mode.

    Archi2SelectBrowser properties display the selected browser, or in edit mode, a list of available browsers to choose from.


    Archi2HelpHotlink Properties will display a help button icon. Clicking the button will bring up a pop up window with the relevant help for the item.

    Buttons next to template items are described under Links above.

    The edit button will place the frame into edit mode, allowing you to change both the name of the selected item and/or the values of its properties.

    The delete button will delete the selected item from the repository. Be careful, this is not recoverable!

    The reset button will reset properties to their default values.

    The clone button allows you to create a copy of the current item, sharing all of its property values and relationships, by specifying only a different name.

    View Relationship Hierarchy button, shown in the screen capture as "all rels", will jump to the Graphical Browser , with the currently selected item as the focus. It will assume that you want to view all relationship types and small images.

Relationship Properties Frame (centre right)

This frame shows the relationship details, and, if there is an info node, the properties of the info node which further describe the relationship.


    The edit button will allow you to alter the info node properties.

    The view relationship hierarchy (all rels) button will cause EVA Netmodeler to jump directly to the Graphical Browser with the selected item as the focus and will assume that you want a display constrained by the selected relationship type.

Related Item Frame (bottom right)

This frame displays the properties for the selected related item.


    The edit button will allow you to change the items property values and/or name.

Relevant System Settings

This link takes you to help on system settings that will affect the way the Item Browser works or appears.