Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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GM Installation

Server Requirements

GM requires that you have a working EVA Netmodeler Server at Release 2.5.19 or later and at feature level Modeler or Developer. You will also need the modeling features meta model installed. This supports the management of model type definitions, individual models and the content of models. Finally, your server licence should allow the use of the Graphical Modeler feature. The server will control how many users can concurrently use the Graphical Modeler.

Client Requirements

On the client, you should have either Internet Explorer vsn 6 or Firefox with the IE Tab extension installed. When you launch GM for the first time, a small virtual machine for Squeak (a Smalltalk dialect) will be downloaded and installed. Note that you may have to adjust or temporarily override your browser security protections to allow this installation. 

Network Requirements

You should have a working TCP/IP network that happily exchanges HTTP (web pages) with the EVA Netmodeler server. In addition, you must be able to retrieve pages from the web, or the server where the virtual machine will be found. This is normally an Internet site, but your EVA Netmodeler Administrator can change this. 

Meta Model Requirements in the Server

The Graphical Modeler works with EVA Netmodeler Models. EVA Netmodeler Models link repository items into groups of related items which a user wishes to view as a graphical model (either in GM or in VisioTM). Models belong to a Model Type, which determines what type of symbols will be used to represent each EVA Netmodeler Type in the visual model. The position of items in the model is stored in the repository with the relationship between the model and the item. Thus items can appear in multiple models, in different positions and represented by different symbols. Relationships in the model can also be manipulated by the GM user. The details of layout of these is stored in the repository on the relationship between the items, per model. GM users can elect to use type icons from EVA Netmodeler to represent the items in graphical models, or can use EVA Netmodeler Symbols, which are vector (line) drawings stored as scripts using XML in the repository. The latter may have item information (e.g. Name, description etc.) Mapped into the symbol at designated locations. The meta data structures required to successfully use GM with EVA Netmodeler are illustrated in the figure below. 



If your EVA Netmodeler installation does not have these, the latest file to enable these features can be imported from the document ArchiModelSupport.xml available on the EVA Netmodeler Support Portal.
