Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Working with Documents and Templates

This section covers the following topics:

Working with Documents

Defining a Document Property

A Document property is any property defined as being of the type Archi2Document. Refer to the Meta Modeler section for information on how to define new legal properties and assign them to Types.

Uploading a Document to EVA Netmodeler

You can upload documents to EVA Netmodeler through any browser interface that allows you to edit an item that contains a document property. In the example below, the GIDE browser is focussed on an item with an empty Document property. This is the default state for all new items that have a document property. See the Defaults section for information on how to change this.


When an item containing a document property is edited an upload button is provided next to the document property. kicking this button will open the load document dialogue shown below.


Selecting the browse button will enable you to browse for the appropriate file on the client machine. Once you have located the appropriate file and selected the upload button file will  be uploaded to the server and associated the correct item in the repository. note that although the upload operation is then complete, the edit of the item as a whole must will be completed with the submit edit button in the GIDE interface.

An item with the document property that has a ready been populated would look similar to the figure below.


The buttons have the following functions

  • (=) will open the document in the right-hand pane
  • The upload button will open the upload document dialogue to enable you to upload a new version of the document . During this process the old version of the document is renamed (if necessary) and the new version is stored in its place. Old versions of the document are retained and are accessible via the versions function described below.
  • The versions button will open a window displaying the current and previous versions of the document as illustrated below.
    Note that the del button will only be available to user with the appropriate access rights. Users with view rights to this item type will be able to open the previous versions of the document by clicking on its hyperlink.DocumentPropertyVersions2

Viewing a Document

Documents can be viewed by clicking the (=) button next to the property, if one is present, or the document hyperlink. This will cause the associated document to be loaded in the browser if the required helper application has been defined. See your Browser's help for details on how to do this. If no helper application has been defined, or if the browser has been configured to do so, the browser will open a "download file" dialogue which will enable you to specify a location to store the file.


Working with Templates

The template property type is very similar to the Document property type. The differences between the two are:

  • A default file must be assigned to a template property on the default item of the type. See the Defaults section for more information on specifying default values.
  • A drop-down list of existing templates will be displayed when specifying the default value of a template property. A template can be selected from the list or a new one can be added.
  • Templates are stored on a separate directory on the EVA Netmodeler server designated for this purpose.
  • The template associated with the default item of a type will be assigned to every new item of that type when it is created.
  • It is not possible for the user to change the name of the template property on any item other than the default item of the type.
  • When a new version of a template property is uploaded to a non-default item, the old version is renamed to include a time stamp (current time), and if necessary the new file is renamed to the name provided on the default item. This does not change the file associated with the default item.
