Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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Unified Browser


This browser provides a simple interface to work with information in the EVA Netmodeler repository. You first select the type of item you want to work with, then the item itself. The properties of the selected item will display, laid out like a form. Relationships with other items will be listed and will have hyperlinks. You can navigate to any related item simply by clicking one of these links. We will discuss these options below.

The following is a representation of the Unified Browser that can be found in EVA Netmodeler:


EVA Netmodeler Navigation Bar

The general EVA Netmodeler navbar appears on almost all pages. See further help for the Navbar


Select Type and Item Frame (below Navbar)

This area allows you to select the type of item and the specific item where you wish to begin browsing. You can do the latter by selecting from the drop down list, or using the "Video Recorder" style buttons to the right. These allow selecting the first, previous, next, or last items of this type.

Pressing the new button in this frame will allow creation of a new item of the selected type.

Item Viewing/Editing Frame (bottom left)

This is where the currently selected item's details are displayed. The properties of the item will be listed first in tabular form, followed by the relationships, listed by type with the names of related items indented. The related item names are hyperlinks. Next to each related item is a view properties button.

Selecting the hyperlink for a related item will refocus the browser on the selected item, as though you had selected it via the Selection frame at the top of the browser. In this way you can navigate through the knowledge base, following any type of relationship at will for any number of levels.


The top row of buttons act on the focus item as a whole and have the following functions:

    The edit button will allow you to edit the currently displayed item.

    The del button will delete the currently displayed item.

    The reset button will reset values of the current item to those held on the default item for the type.

    The clone button will allow creation of a new item of the same type, that differs from the current one in name only. Values of properties and relationships will be duplicated.

Buttons are also provided next to each of the related items, if any have been defined. These buttons act on the related item or the relationship between the focus item and the related item as follows:

    Selecting the (=) view properties button for a related item will display that item's properties in the frame to the right.

    The info node button will display the properties of the info node that exists between the focus item and the related item.


Related Item Properties Frame (bottom right)

If you select the view properties or info node buttons for a related item in the left hand frame, its properties will appear here. This frame uses the standard GIDE interface.


Relevant System Settings

There are various system settings that will influence how the browser appears and behaves. See settings group.