Applicable with Version 2.5 Oct 2010
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EVA Netmodeler Infrastructure Types

The types listed here are used to provide facilities in EVA Netmodeler itself and to facilitate the management of EVA Netmodeler in the organization and communication with Inspired. These types may be extended in an upwards compatible manner, but should not be deleted, or have any existing properties or relationships removed as this would probably result in the loss of functionality.

Types Included:

  • Filters (refer to the Filters Model and Using Filters sections for more information on configuring and using filters)
    • Archi Filter
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler to support the definition and use of filters.
      A filter is a set of logical conditions which must be met in order for content to be returned to the user. Filters can be defined to apply to multiple types or a single type; to attribute values or relationships. Filters can be combined logically (AND, OR) as well as have sequence of evaluation defined.
      The Archi Filter type holds the name of the filter and relationships to filter components, which can be of three types: Archi Property Filter , Archi Relationship Filter and Archi Hierarchy Filter
    • Archi Property Filter
      Also referred to as Property filters, particularly in the user interface.
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler used in the definition of filters. Items of this type hold details of which properties should be examined, what condition to test and values to test against.
    • Archi Relation Filter
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler to assist in the definition of filters. Relation Filter items record the details of which relationship should be examined, what target nodes should be sought and what conditions should be tested.
    • Archi Hierarchy Filter
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler used in the definition of filters. Items of this type hold details of the name of the hierarchy filter, what type of hierarchy filter to use, and the parameters to be used in the filter.
  • Security (refer to the Security Model section for further information in the EVA Netmodeler security model)
    • Area Security
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler which is used in controlling access to facilities within the tool by user or user group. There is one Area Security item for each security controlled feature within EVA Netmodeler. e.g. Browser, Administrator Utility etc.
    • Access Level
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler which records the security permissions of a user or user group with respect to a given type or EVA Netmodeler feature.
      There are three main components:
      • MetaAccess - which defines whether the user may work with type definitions
      • DefaultAccess - which defines whether the user may work with default items
      • ItemAccess - which defines whether the user may work with items
        Each component is composed of a string with none, some or all of the following characters, where each character designates permissions as listed:
        C - Create
        U - Update
        V - View
        D - Delete
        T - Template
    • Archi User
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler which records an EVA Netmodeler User or User Group. Via relationships with Area Security and Default nodes of Archi Types, security permissions are maintained. Can also hold details of start browser / type / item, and default filters to activate at log on time.
    • Archi Domain
      A domain is a related set of types which we want to manage as a unit. For example, we may grant a group of users or a role access to a given domain, e.g. Information Architecture. Domains may be nested. Types can belong to multiple domains.
  • Settings (Refer to the System Settings section for the complete list of settings.)
    • Archi System Setting
      Archi system settings are parameters used to customize a great variety of features of the system. These include: look and feel items such as colors and fonts; behaviour of the system e.g. with respect to error logging; paths and urls for locating items on the server; types used for various purposes; relationships used for various purposes - essentially anything which is configurable or optional. System settings have their own unique documentation per item. Values may be set globally (by setting the value on the setting item) or for a particular user/group (by putting the setting value on an info-node between the setting and the user item). Settings which are missing entirely from the repository will have default values substituted by the server program.
    • Archi Settings Group
      Logical Grouping of System Settings used to simplify settings administration.
  • Support (refer to the Portal section for further information on getting tool support)
    • Archi Release
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler which provides a way of documenting (via properties and related items) things pertinent to a specific release of the EVA Netmodeler tool.
    • Archi Issue Type
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler to assist in the categorization of Archi Issues. Typically we will designate issues as Faults, Usability Issues, Approved Changes, Ideas and so on.
    • Archi Issue
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler for the documenting of any issues surrounding the EVA Netmodeler tool. These can includes faults, usability issues, ideas for improvement etc. They are categorized by Archi Issue Types and Archi Issue Priorities.
    • Archi Issue Priority
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler for categorizing Archi Issues by priority. Priorities normally range from 1 (most urgent) to Resolved.
  • Information
    • Archi Standard
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler to record standards and conventions used in the tool, Inspired Architecture Frameworks and the installation. This provides a standard way of sharing and documenting things like naming conventions etc. to improve collaboration and maintainability of work produced.
      Standards should be respected, particularly when extending provided Meta Sets so that consistency is maintained, and so that provided filters etc. will continue to work with the extensions.
    • Archi Presentation
      A type provided by EVA Netmodeler which allows recording presentations relevant to the EVA Netmodeler tool.
    • Archi FAQ
      FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
      This is a type provided by EVA Netmodeler for the recording of frequently asked questions and their answers. It is designed to facilitate a growing, user defined, self help section.
  • Time related features (Refer to the Calendar Model and the Calendar Browser sections for a full description of the EVA Netmodeler time related features
    • Calendar Item
      A Calendar Item is any item that we want to view from a temporal, or time aspect. This could include projects, programs, financial years etc.
    • If using the EVA Netmodeler tool, any type with the necessary start and end date attributes may be designated a subtype of Calendar Item, and can then be viewed in the Calendar Browser.
  • Spatial features (Refer to the Spatial Model and Spatial Browser sections for a full description of the EVA Netmodelerspatial features)
    • Spatial Super Type 
      An abstract type which serves as a super type for types which should be treated as spatial, i.e. appear in the spatial browser
    • Spatial Info 
      Records relationship information between a spatial background and a spatial item for the spatial browser. Typically location, size, representation.
    • SpatialBackGround 
      A background item for the spatial browser.
    • Spatial Item 
      An item which appears on a spatial map in the spatial browser.